Sam's 3 month checkup
So... I went into the doctor's office on Monday for her three month checkup and got quizzed:
Does she clasp her hands together? Yes
Does she smile? Yes
Does she squeal? Yes
Does she laugh? No, not yet, but she squeals a lot
Does she hold her head up? Oh, yeah
Wait.... she's four months, right?!? Uh, no, she turned 3 months 2 days ago!
Turns out they don't do 3 month appts! LOL! So she's almost at a 4 month level. She's tracking me from miles away and LOVES staring at Ellie, too. She's closer to laughing even since Monday (2 days ago). AND!!!!
SHE ROLLED OVER TODAY! OMG I was SO shocked! I put her down for tummy time and she will generally push up really hard on her legs so that they are almost 90 degrees from her body - and she just rolled to her back! Wow... (Ellie was 5.5 months.)
The biggest concern, though, is her weight. Her length was 24" and her weight was 10lb 9oz, which is quite low for her age. (She's been in about the 40th percentile and she's dropped to closer to 20%. She needs to be maintaining her percentiles.)
But she's eating like HELL right now - so I'm *really* hoping it's a growth spurt. We'll find out soon.
She's also starting to look a bit like Ellie when she smiles and grins. It's kinda fun! I have the feeling that they will resemble each other more and more as time goes on. They are both so darn cute!