Monday, May 23, 2005

Another long, skinny girl... (1 month checkup)

Anyway, just got back from Sam's appt. She's doing great! She's 22" and 8lb 11oz so her growth is perfect for the chart. She's got the development of a 2-3 month old in terms of eye contact and physical abilities. (I think it's closer to 2 and not a 3 month old based on my videos of Ellie.) She smiles a ton, but just when sleeping or going to sleep or pooping. But I still love 'em and can't WAIT til she smiles in response to me and others!

Only *slight* issue is her hip clicks. She has to go in for an u/s to check those out within 2 weeks. They are VERY minor and honestly, I'm not concerned... My doctor is just very conservative with getting 'em checked.

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